Special Offers for New Users
We currently run on an offer naming: Christams Sale & in that we have released a new policy for our new users. Grab your offers as it's time limited (End Date: 31-12-24). The set-up charges for Wi-Fi will be Rs.4999/- . Any Issues do contact us soon as possible!
Also do check our service areas before you proceed to pay for our services (Any Services Meaning Wi-Fi). We serve areas: Quepem, Avedem, Ambaulim, Gudi, Chandor, Asolda-Govol & Xeldem.
Plans & Pricing
Plans listed below are for Recharge, Purchasing a plan. When you proceed for the payments page, in your message section please do specify why are you paying the amount. If your a new user you have special bonuses & offers. Be carefull while you pay the amount, crosscheck the plan you want to pay for. Any issues report to our helpline soon as possible.
To be Known...
Before claiming any OTT Plans Please do check the apps available in the plans. The pdf below will show you the apps involved in the package which you have choosed!
Once you confirm your plan click on buy for (Price) and you will get directed to our payment gateway/page. Do use your preffered way for paying it. Once paid, make sure you download the recipt or share a screenshot on our contact number (Tap here for the contact number) and share the downloaded / screenshotted document to us, it's for registering your name in our records!
Terms & Conditions Apply.
Note that there will be no Refund Policy once you pay the amount for certain pack/plan.
If you haven't recieved the OTT Pack after 24 hours, feel free to contact us on our customer care number & we will surely guide you to the correct direction.
Installation Charges: Rs.4999/- (Non-Refundable) || Inside box materials: ONU/ONT Router(16HZ) which supports for plan upto 100Mbps, Fibre Optic Cable upto 30 - 60 Mtrs & Maximum 100Mtrs (On special case to case and coupler, patch cord, tray, etc). Labour charges included.
Our Services
- Service Information
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100 Indian rupees₹100